
Nobivac Edge DAPPv+L4 - 25x1 Dose


Nobivac EDGE DAPPv+L4 is a 0.5 mL combo vaccine that provides parainfluenze protection in combination with four-way leptospirosis protection.

  • Aids in the prevention of disease, mortality, and leptospiriuria caused by four Leptospira serovars
  • 0.5 mL combination vaccine formula to include parainfluenza
  • Protects against all known strains of canine parvovirus (CPV), including CPV-2c
  • Contains CPV-2b, one of the most prevalent field strains of parvovirus
  • High antigenic mass (titer), low passage parvovirus vaccine
  • Overrides CPV maternal antibodies in young puppies
  • Systemic administration stimulates a strong IgG response (CPiV)
  • Protects against adenovirus type 1 that causes hepatitis in dogs

Safety & Quality

  • 99% Reaction Free: out of 1,583 doses given in Clinical Impressions study
  • Lower total protein level than other 0.5 ml vaccine options
  • Onderstepoort-type strain in Nobivac® vaccines provides a high level of safety (CDV)
  • A porous filtration membrane selectively removes extraneous proteins, salts, and solvents
  • Fewer total proteins (TP) means a more purified final product, which may reduce unwanted immune system responses such as vaccine reactions
  • Promotes a higher level of vaccine quality
  • Same process used for Nobivac® Lepto4, Nobivac®Canine-1 DAPPv+L4, and Nobivac EDGE™ Lepto4
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