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Revolutionizing Equine Veterinary Care with Butterfly iQ+ Vet
Published on 6/11/24

When it comes to equine veterinary care, the right tools can make all the difference in diagnosing and treating our four-legged patients. Enter the Butterfly iQ+ Vet, a portable and powerful ultrasound device that’s changing the game for equine vets everywhere. Let’s dive into what makes this innovative tool a must-have in your veterinary toolkit, especially with its newly added features.

3 Ways Your Phone System Can Transform Customer Service

3 Ways Your Phone System Can Transform Customer Service
Published on 5/1/24

How your clinic’s phone system can improve customer service. Be ready for every call, enjoy streamlined communications, and provide proactive patient care with a PIMS-integrated phone system.

Harnessing Live X-Ray for Rapid Orthopedic Injury

A New Era of Veterinary Care: Harnessing Live X-Ray for Rapid Orthopedic Injury Diagnosis in Patients
Published on 4/11/24

How can veterinary medicine address the challenge of diagnosing complex orthopedic conditions in patients who can’t tell you where it hurts?? That's where Fluoroscopy comes in. Fluoroscopy is a real-time X-ray imaging technique that surpasses the static snapshots of standard X-ray images.

Utilizing 3-Stage Antifreeze Tests for Lifesaving Veterinary Care
Published on 12/4/23

When lives are in danger, advanced antifreeze tests could make all the difference.

Is Your Veterinary Website Truly Working For You?
Published on 11/8/23

Understanding the efficacy of your website begins with a deep dive into key metrics. However, many veterinary clinics overlook this crucial step. We believe that these metrics should be the center of your online strategy, and here's why.

Run, Jump, and Grow Old Together
Published on 10/26/23

Our clients want their pets to live forever, but more so, they want them to be happy and comfortable in the time they are privileged enough to enjoy one another.

A Remarkable Recovery: Blue's Journey with Phovia Light Therapy
Published on 9/13/23

In a horrifying twist of fate, Blue was struck by a truck, resulting in severe trauma to his chest, neck, and head. Learn how Phovia Light Therapy helped him run again.

How a Penn Vet Customer Used PetDesk to Grow Their Business
Published on 8/1/23

Discover how a 30-year old family-owned practice earned and saved big with PetDesk.

Clinical Study - Impacts of Omega-3s on Canine Coat and Body Discomfort
Published on 7/19/23

This new study provides insight into how different marine sources of omega-3 fatty acids could significantly improve dogs' discomfort scores and coat condition.

Use Generic NSAIDs to Grow Practice Profit
Published on 7/17/23

By switching to generics and strategically adjusting markup, clinics can significantly grow practice profit while providing welcome savings to their clients.

Recognizing and Testing for Symptoms of Marijuana Toxicity in Pets
Published on 6/26/23

With the increasing acceptance and availability of marijuana products, it's important for to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of marijuana toxicity in pets.

Starting Your Own Veterinary Practice - Financing
Published on 6/23/23

Startup costs, breakeven timeline, and financing solutions -- what are the first things you need to consider when starting a new veterinary practice?

How 2 Real-World Practices Increased Efficiency with PetDesk
Published on 1/12/23

If efficiency is on your list of resolutions for 2023, check out these two case studies from our service partners at PetDesk.

Healthy Immune Function in Companion Animals
Published on 11/28/22

A balanced nutritional plan is critical for an animal’s healthy immune system response. Curb the effects of immune stressors.

4 Ways to Make Equipment Purchasing Easier in 2022
Published on 11/15/22

Equipment season has arrived! While this time of year undoubtedly brings excitement and anticipation to your hospital (I mean, who doesn’t like new stuff?), making equipment decisions can be confusing, overwhelming, and downright exhausting.

Treating Separation Anxiety: Life-Changing and Profitable
Published on 8/24/22

Separation anxiety is frequently misdiagnosed or missed altogether, in part because we as vets don’t ask whether their dog is experiencing symptoms – we wait for the client to ask us.

After-Hours Ordering and Home Delivery are Transforming In-House Pharmacy Sales
Published on 7/8/22

Hospitals are revamping their pharmacy game with new technology that facilitates after-hours ordering, automated payment requests, reminders, and more, leading to a 10-15% increase in pharmacy sales in the first month.

Help Clients Keep Pets Safe This July 4th
Published on 6/24/22

Help educate your clients of the importance of Independence Day pet safety with this collection of sharable social media resources.

7 Thoughtful Ways to Thank Your Staff
Published on 6/6/22

It’s easy to take staff for granted. You’re all so busy caring for animals that it’s hard to find time to show your staff how much they mean to you! In partnership with IVPA

Tick Season Regional Roundup
Published on 3/3/22

Tick-borne diseases have been found in every state, but evaluating the risk on a dog by region is extremely beneficial in helping owners understand the threat.

Do you want dental extractions to be easier?
Published on 2/14/22

Do you know the feeling of working away at a tooth for what seems like hours, never knowing when it will loosen or snap? You need to think about making the anatomy of the tooth work in your favor.

Tools to Streamline Your Practice in 2022
Published on 12/30/21

Supercharge your practice in 2022 with our best lineup of services ever.

Treating Tumors: How The Game Has Changed
Published on 11/12/21

Examining the effectiveness and clinical applications of an injection to treat mast cell tumors from start to finish with no surgery or stitches.

Don't Horse Around with Osteoarthritis!
Published on 9/29/21

It's best to be proactive against equine OA, but what steps should be taken to do so?

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