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Utilizing 3-Stage Antifreeze Tests for Lifesaving Veterinary Care

Published on 12/4/23



Ethylene glycol is more ubiquitous than most pet owners realize – found not just in antifreeze, but also in windshield deicing agents, brake fluid, motor oil, developing solutions for hobby photographers, wood stains, solvents, paints, snow globes, and even more1. And when just 1-4 teaspoons can prove fatal2, fast and accurate ethylene glycol detection can be the difference between life and death for a pet.

While many test kits are reliable for detection in the first few hours after poisoning, accuracy can start to diminish as early as 6 hours after ingestion, leaving affected pets vulnerable to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment. 

It is recommended that veterinary hospitals likely to encounter ethylene glycol poisoning be equipped with advanced antifreeze poisoning tests, such as EG-3 Tests, for emergencies. 


Swift and Accurate Diagnosis Saves Lives


EG-3 Antifreeze Tests can detect all three phases of poisoning in just one test within 10 minutes. The test pad allows the hospital to determine approximately when the pet was exposed, even if the owner cannot determine when poisoning occurred. This quickly provides staff with the information necessary to determine whether to administer the antidote 4MP or pursue a different lifesaving treatment.


The EG-3 Antifreeze 3-Step Phases of the Poison Cycle

EG-3 tests can help staff determine time of exposure by displaying positive or negative results on different test pad areas using just one micro-sample of 10uL plasma:

Step 1: 45 minutes to 10 hours after exposure – Positive for ethylene glycol.
Step 2: 9 to 16 hours after exposure – Positive for oxalate. Negative for ethylene glycol.
Step 3: 16+ hours after exposure – Positive for BUN (high), albumin (low), and total protein (low).



Keeping Advanced Tests On Hand for Emergencies


Although standard antifreeze tests may be appropriate for many poisoning cases, keeping advanced EG-3 tests on hand in case of delayed hospital admission or difficult diagnoses can strengthen a hospital’s speed and quality of care in dire circumstances.




Purchase EG-3 Antifreeze Tests



1. Pet Poison Helpline:
2. Merck Manual:


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